Christian Rokitta - rokIT

Christian Rokitta is an independent developer using Oracle tools and technology since 1992. After using the Oracle Web Toolkit and mod_plsql for many years, he switched to using APEX in 2006. In 2010 Christian started to work as a freelance consultant, focusing on Oracle Application Express. Next to developing applications, he specialized in User Interface Design for APEX, offering his service under the brand name Themes4Apex.

Christian has been a speaker at several ODTUG KScope conferences, Dutch OGh APEX Days (now called APEX World) and the DOAG,OBUG and UKOUG conferences. When time allows, he tries to publish on his blog: Oracle & Apex Geekery. For his contribution to the Oracle community, he has been awarded Oracle ACE in 2013.

Skillbuilders - our US partner

Skillbuilders is specialized in Oracle Database & APEX Development and with 20 years of experience and success stories, a proven industry leader. SkillBuilders provides complete Oracle APEX services, from design and development to installation, configuration and database administration services.

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